Wednesday, July 9, 2008


BOB TYRRELL... is definitely one of the best when it the "black and grey" style of tattooing. He's one of those guys i started payin attention to early in my "Career." Check him out at ..

MISTER CARTOON- I started out in Mister Cartoon's footsteps since he was also a graffiti artist in the past. He has some of the sickest lettering in the game: also he's also top ranking in the Black and Grey style... check him out at..

KIM SAIGH and HANNAH ATCHISON-... These woman are 2 of the best in my eyes, i absolutely adore they're styles ( i can use words like "adore" since they are females :-))... I love Kim's floral style of tattooing and i love Hannah's style of Pin-up girls, since she uses vibrant colors. Check them out at ..

NIKKO HURTADO.... He is, hands down, the best artist i've seen that does full color portraits. I've only known about him for a short amount of time, but i am always very impressed. Check him out out...

Tre' or III...(im not gonna expose his govt. name, lol)---- This is the first real tattoo artist that got me on my feet. New Orleans born and raised, Tre has been tattooin since like the age of 15 or 16. He first studied under Jacci Gresham (google her) way back in the G. I worked in Tre's shop for a while up until mid 2005 (Katrina) in which we all relocated. Check him out at...

All these folks were direct influences to me...Check everybody out and let me kno what u think...

1 comment:

the dope. dealer said...

Yeeeaaaahhh! I like this post, Court:)